The ANN brings together professionals and educational establishments that stand out for their academic excellence and the quality of the natural therapeutic care that they offer to their customers.
With its recognized experience in the field, avant-garde, respecting the individual in the totality of his being, the National Association of Naturopaths aims to be an organization that helps the public to improve its health, to direct it towards reliable resources. Its members find support, welcome, dynamism and understanding of their needs in terms of professional practice and continuing training.
NAN is proud to support and help the Quebec population by ensuring the safety and public security of the resources it offers.
As old as the dawn of time, naturopathy draws its roots from all the peoples of the earth, adapts to all climates, to all cultures. We only have to think of the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, which connect body, emotions, environment (terrain) to prevent the onset of the disease and whose objective is the maintenance of one's health.
Human beings are a whole and naturopathy addresses all its facets by offering to do the links between inside and outside.Naturopathy is complementary and parallel and cannot replace an approach in allopathic medicine, or by a health professional.
Naturopathy encompasses everything that is good for humans, everything that nature makes available to them in addition to understanding their own human nature. Well-being is the key tool and naturopathy is its science. Balance is what we are all looking for, naturopathy and therapeutic care in fact, support us in this search.
Although it is not regulated in Quebec, unlike in some provinces in the rest of Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Saskatchewan), naturopathy and natural therapeutic care are increasingly used by people wanting to find complementary care to allopathic medicine.
All ANN members have completed training that meets non-negotiable eligibility criteria (1000 hours of courses) and have agreed to comply with a code of ethics that governs their practice and establishes strict rules aimed at ensuring the quality of services and the protection of users.
The benefits of a healthy and balanced diet, activities adapted to each individual and a positive inner state of being are attributes that users find increasingly necessary to face a daily life that poses several challenges. Rest assured that all NAN members have been accepted following high criteria, can ensure rigorous monitoring and that they benefit from strict supervision while observing all the guidelines of the laws imposed in Quebec.
Annual presence and involvement in the organization of the International Congress of Naturopathy (ICNM) whose participants come from more than 75 countries.
Ethical and legal practice
The NAN has two lawyers on its team who support and inform members of their rights and the guidelines imposed by the laws governing the field of natural therapeutic care in Quebec. They ensure that NAN members can enjoy an ethical and legal practice.
Physical participation and real and non-observant involvement in the development of the agreement on Bill 21 of 2012 on psychotherapy
Annual multidisciplinary conferences
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Click here to view the NAN Code of Ethics
Essential and mandatory for all NAN members, these training courses are for you!
If you have a complaint or dissatisfaction with any ANN member, please click here to download and complete the appropriate form, which you can then forward to the Disciplinary Committee.
Un projet qui a débuté en 2016 et qui était très attendu!
Finalement, les personnes qualifiées pourront pratiquer en utilisant ce titre. L’utilisation du terme Hypnothérapeute agréémc est sujette à l’acceptation de la candidature reçue, à la pratique de l’hypnose traditionnelle seulement, telle que décrite dans l’entente intervenue entre l’ANN et l’OPQ LIEN
L’expérience de l’équipe STNQ en matière de relation d’aide et des techniques semblables, dont l’hypnothérapie est indéniable. L’intérêt que STN Québec porte envers une pratique éthique et surtout bien encadrée est sa fierté et son but principal est pouvoir offrir des thérapeutes qualifiés, bien formés, éthiques et informés.
Seules les personnes qui pratiquent l’hypnose traditionnelle pourront se qualifier et obtenir une License pour représenter cette pratique.
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